my blog profile

My blog profile was fun to make and it shows a bit of my life and things I like. and I like my colour choices, we made them so all of you can know stuff about me.

We made them in google draw an used shapes, text boxes and png images, I took a photo of me and put it on  the google draw then I cropped it into a circle then added images and write stuff about me and put it no my blog then I was done and it was fun.

Adrenalin Park

  Adrenalin park

Today me and our senior classes went on a two hour trip to an amazing water park in whangarei. It was a boring ride but we got there, when we parked and got out we were on an old farm we heard some noises from the top of the hill so we walked up when we got to the top I saw a gigantic lake with a awesome looking inflatable course I walked over to where everyone was and dropped off my bag then I went over to the changing room and got in to my togs when I got out they told me to go get a life jacket at the start so I did and at least 30 minutes later the bus arrived when everyone was changed and has a lifejacket on next the adrenalin people  gave us a safety briefing and then let us go jump into it. When I got on there were so many thoughts going through my mind like should I push someone off or should I run into something so I did what a normal 11 year old kid would do run into something so I did then I fell into the water. Next I went around trying to find Neo which lasted about half an hour before I found him we ran around pushing each other in the water. Two hours later we were told to get out so I took my last jump and then got out and that was the end of the fun.

By xavier thank you for reading


NZ’s largest growing forest Algae

This kelp forest is the largest growing forest in New zealand.

With kelp that can grow up to 70 cm per day, and this growth is provided by seagull poop and the seagulls poop on a hill, and then the poop gets washed down into the sea and into the kelp forest and the poop acts like fertilizer for the kelp, and that’s how the kelp grows really good.

And all this kelp is being killed by climate change and kina. The overpopulation of kina is horrible. The kina keep on eating the kelp and it is not good, so for example if we were overrun by rabbits that’s what it would look like if kina overrun the sea so try and keep the kina population down. And climate change is bad but I can’t really describe it but its bad really bad.

And the person that told us was Riley-Y,O,E.

Wallpaper animal

This is how I made my wallpaper animal.


So first we chose an animal. I chose a tuarua. After we chose we drew the animal which was a little hard, when we were finished our drawings we chose our three wallpapers. I chose gray as the background, green as the color of my animal and white as my add ons.  After I chose my colors I cut out my animal and glued it on my background then I added my add ons and in the end it looked like this,