Category: Hanga | Create

Wood is good

Today our class were visited by summit forestry to talk about Wood is good, when they came in side they talked about deforestation and how that when humans came to new Zealand there was a lot of forest but in 2022 there was only a few bits of forest left but then they said that the government was going to slow down all wood deforestation, after we watched some videos we went down to the truck that was parked in front of the school. We all went three at a time I was in the last group of people who were me, Jahn and Anik, And when we went inside the truck we were allowed to honk the horn and it sounded like a toot toot noise it was so cool but in the end we learnt a lot about trucks.

Wood is Good link

The war in Paintball

The Smell of oil fulled the air as the colourful bullets of pain zoomed passed us. At this point there was at least ten people all hiding behind our small narrow base trying to get cover, but most of us were getting hit so me and Jake asked our teammates for cover as we ran to the next closest wall, as I ran I was full of fear but Jake didn’t look scarred at all, in the end Jake got hit but I was fine. As I looked around I saw cooper hiding behind the wall opposite me and I nailed him at least three times and he lost one more life, 5 minutes later I ran out of ammo and had to leave the arena to get a refill on ammo, and when I got back we had most of the area all cover, and then Brock had the bomb (a plastic box) and through it at the other teams base and won us the game.

Rainbows End

On Friday I went to rainbows end with my family.In the morning we had to wake up at 4 o’clock to get in the car and started driving, I was sleeping for most of the ride. When we got to Auckland we picked up our nana from the airport and went straight to rainbows end, and when we got inside there was a wheel that when you spin it would land on a random ride, our first ride was the log flume it wasn’t the most exciting ride but it was okay, but in the end my favourite ride was the roller coaster. comment your favourite ride if you’ve been to rainbows end.


Today i’m reflecting on my novel study, in our novel study’s we had to write the name of the book, 300 minutes of danger, the name of the author Jack Heath and the genre of the book fiction. We also had to write about what happened in the story and who the main characters are, I like doing these novel study’s because they help me push my self to do better.

Tech for Monday

yesterday we did cooking in our tech group, we made chicken pies that were going to be selling for market day, I love cooking in tech because i’m allowed to cook or bake with my friends and class mates and learn how to make new foods that I can make at home for my family, which I love doing and after we do cooking we work on our business. For our business stuff we made more!! paracord bracelets to sell, after we made a lot more bracelets we started working on how much money we would make if we sold all of them and we would have made $148 and how much we would have after we gave $65 back for starting our business $83, I have a lot of fun making bracelets.

circablatie in kaitaia

Last week we went to kaitaia to do circablatie and when we got there we had lunch then the taipa kids arrived and got into there their classes, when our class got inside there was some home school kids already inside, we sat down and got introduced to some of the managers of the circus, than they told us what the activities are and than let us go, first I went to the plate spinning where we were stealing each others plates it was so funny because someone would get a really good spin then another person would just steal it after around half an hour I wanted to go do something else instead. So I went over to the diabolo (diabolo is this huge type of yoyo which you use on string), it was really fun playing with the diabolo there was some skilled people using it they were throwing it into the air and catching it, it was insane, but I got bored quickly so I went over to this new game but I forgot the name. But it was really fun after we played the managers said that we were all going to go on the stage and show off what we had learnt and after we took a photo they said it was time for everyone to start leaving so we went outside and said goodbye and hopped on the bus. And that’s what happened.   

Xavier’s Narrative 2023

“Are you ready” asks the teacher as she walks into the lab with her class. Henry was still annoyed that they had to go to a boring lab when they could have gone to the movies or an amusement park, but the teacher said that this was way cheaper. After 20 minutes of walking around the teacher finally said that we can have lunch but when he finds a bench to sit on and opens his bag to get his lunch box, there was nothing in side then he remembered that he broke his lunch box and that he had his lunch in his little sisters bag and he forgot to get it when he was leaving the school with his class, but then he heard little clunking noises when he shakes his bag so when he checked the front pocket he found three coins in his bag so Henry went up to the teacher and asks if he can go to a vending machine that he saw at the entrance and the teacher said “yes, but you have to be …” but before she could finish her sentence Henry had alright started running back to the vending machine.


He had be running for about five minutes when he noticed a glowing light coming from a slightly opened door, so Henry got suspicious so he slowly started creeping up into the room, and when he pushed the door open he saw a boy about Henry’s age, but the kid was wearing a black outfit but then Henry bumped over a an empty cup and the kid heard it and turned around but they didn’t have a mask and Henry could see there whole face but it wasn’t who Henry thought it would be, it was Billy!?, yesterday Billy said that he was going to his grandmas and couldn’t come to the lab, Henry and Billy made direct eye contact then Billy jumped inside before Henry could say anything but it was to late Billy alright jumped inside Henry wanted to follow him but he had to get help so Henry ran out to find someone but two big security guards jumped in front of Henry and started asking questions and Henry couldn’t handle it and next he knew he was running back the room but as soon as he walked into the room he realised he was cornered, he tried to leave but the security guards were right behind him so he ran into the glass room he was about to run in but he didn’t know where it would take him, heard a slight mumbling noise but Henry couldn’t hear it properly but the portal was making a static noises then Henry had a horrible thought he might get grounded so Henry just ran inside the portal, when Henry tried to look around it was pitch black but that’s when Henry realised his eyes were closed so he opened them he saw a nurse, his mum and dad all standing around him, after awhile they said he was in a coma for two weeks and the nurse said “that thing you thought was a portal was archly an huge bolt of lightning bouncing off panels so fast it looked like a portal your lucky to be alive” when Henry tried to stand up but fell over all most immediately Henry said with a sigh “I think I’ll stay a little bit longer” so Henry and his family stayed at the hospital for the rest of the day.

planting trees

Today we went down to the wet lands with a lot of trees like hundreds of trees, it took at least an hour of digging plant holes and then put in  the plant, I were also paired up with Indy and Ava our group did a least 20 trees, and all the groups together we did about 100 to 150 trees with every group, and let me tell you it was sooooo boring. So yeah that’s all that happened.


This term we are doing our speeches. Speeches are one of the things in school that scare me like a lot. All the hours and days of work for 5 minutes of words, to me I don’t think speeches are that important, but we have to for our education which will help us in the future. but now i’m asking what do you think, do you like speeches or do you not like speeches.